Wednesday, November 30, 2011

How to Make Baby Formula at Home

!±8± How to Make Baby Formula at Home

It is an undisputed fact that breast milk is best for your baby. If for whatever reason, you are unable to breastfeed, or you choose not to breastfeed, there are other options you can choose instead of going directly for store-bought dry baby formula. Though it may take a little extra time out of your busy "Mommy Schedule", you can make baby formula at home. You can choose a milk-based formula which is the most common form of homemade formulas.

Breast milk is rich in whey, lactose, vitamin C, niacin and polyunsaturated fatty acids. This milk-based formula takes all of those ingredients into consideration in preparation. Adding gelatin to the formula will help with any constipation issues that may arise with a homemade formula and will give digestion a boost. When using a milk formula, it is important to buy an organically based product, free of disease and additives from cows which are pasture fed. This will ensure that your baby is getting its optimum nutrition. If you are unable to find organic milk in your area, the next best option is to get whole milk at the store. Make sure that it is unhomogenized. In order to restore the enzymes that will be lacking in the whole milk, you will need to add piima or kefir culture to the milk.

The make baby formula at home recipe from Radiant Life Catalog is as follows:

2 cups whole milk, preferably unprocessed milk from pasture-fed cows
1/4 cup homemade liquid whey (See recipe for whey, below) Note: Do NOT use whey from making cheese--it will cause the formula to curdle. Use only homemade whey made from yoghurt, kefir or separated raw milk.
4 tablespoons lactose*
1/4 teaspoon bifidobacterium infantis**
2 or more tablespoons good quality cream (not ultra pasteurized), more if you are using milk from Holstein cows
1 teaspoon regular dose cod liver oil or 1/2 teaspoon high-vitamin cod liver oil*
1 teaspoon expeller-expressed sunflower oil*
1 teaspoon extra virgin olive oil*
2 teaspoons coconut oil*
2 teaspoons Frontier brand nutritional yeast flakes*
2 teaspoons gelatin*
1 7/8 cups filtered water
1/4 teaspoon acerola powder*

How to Make Baby Formula at Home

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Saturday, November 26, 2011

It's a "Good Start" With Carnation Baby Formula

!±8± It's a "Good Start" With Carnation Baby Formula

If you have opted out of breastfeeding your baby but do not know which formula will provide them most nutritional value for your baby, give Carnation baby formula a try. Carnation Good Start formula by Nestle is a great way to start your baby off the healthy way. Gentle to their sensitive tummies, Carnation has done extensive research on making sure that everything a baby needs to grow big and strong is packed into each scoop of formula. Their concentrated formula is made up of easy to digest comfort enzymes which make for a less gassy, happier infant!

The Good Start formula starts with 100% whey protein ingredient which is broken down into minuscule pieces for easy digestion and no stomach upset. The Carnation/Nestle Company is so sure of this product that they offer 100% money-back guarantees if you are not satisfied with this baby formula. Take the opportunity to take advantage of this great offer. Another great selling point to this formula is the price. Carnation Good Start by Nestle believes that good nutrition should be accessible for all babies and thus price their formula to be affordable for all parents. It should not be a stress for parents to be able to give their children the best nutritional care they possibly can, and Carnation/Nestle makes that possible.

Carnation baby formula is made especially with your baby's digestion in mind. The milder the better is the motto that this company lives by and thousands of satisfied babies' stomachs are proof that this is one of the best options for baby formulas out on the market today. Carnation makes sure that each bottle of formula that you give your baby contains the right amount of iron fortified ingredients to ensure that your baby stays as healthy as possible. Just as in breast milk, Carnation formula also contains the proper amount of protein, fat, vitamins and minerals that will give your baby the opportunity to grow and develop right on schedule. It is important to make sure that your baby is getting enough to eat, or may be getting too much. Keep an eye on them; if the formula is gone quickly from the bottle, it may be an indication that they may require another couple of ounces. If they release their hold from the nipple, or turn their head away from the bottle, it means that they are full.

It's a "Good Start" With Carnation Baby Formula

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Friday, November 25, 2011


This is the last one of mom and her kittens, I must admit she seems more relaxed now it seems she has taken to the house, the kittens also seem to be getting better every day slowly but as they say surely. Thank you for caring, I hope that somebody can benefit from my experiences with young sick kittens. You can always go to for help with ferals, or they have good recipes to feed motherless kittens, it helped save some of mine years ago when I did not know vets sold kitten milk I had to make it myself, had yogurt, carnation milk, egg yokes, water, and I added a bit of corn syrup just like a baby formula, it did the trick, had 4 kittens to feed every 2 hours at the time and that was done around the clock in my younger days when I thought they would die if I did not feed them every 2 hours, I used to fall asleep in my soup every night. I had to make them pee, poop and hand feed and wash them, I had never done anything so difficult in all my life. There is nothing like their real mothers but sometimes you have to do the job, I have to admit at my age I don't think I could go back and do that again, but to all you young people under 50 out there it's a piece of cake and very rewarding, thanks for caring, will keep you up to date with the kittens.

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Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Milk For Baby and Toddler

!±8± Milk For Baby and Toddler

Breast milk of course is the absolute best milk for your baby during the first one or two years but if this is not possible there are other alternatives; but which one do you choose?

In days gone by, babies were given watered down "carnation milk", "condensed milk" or cow"s milk; some added "Pentavite" for vitamins, some did not. Research has shown that these are not the best choices for babies and could even do harm.

Today in 2010, we are fortunate enough to have infant formula that has been researched, modified and tested and continues to be researched to provide milk closest to living breast milk. It is commercially synthesised therefore it will never reach the premium standard of natural breast milk but at least it has to be better than what our ancestors used.

Up until the age of 12 months a baby requires an infant formula for optimum digestion and nutrients.

There are many types and brands of milks listed under the age categories of starter (1), follow on (2) or toddler (3). 'Starter' and 'Progress' formulas are complete food substitutes but 'toddler milk' is like a vitamin in milk form and not a food substitute. 'Progress' (2) formulas have added iron and nutrients for increased growth and development requirements but if the 'starter' formula is better tolerated after six months and solid food has been introduced then it is not absolutely necessary to use.

Cow's milk based infant formula - This is commercially modified cow's milk to resemble breast milk and is suitable for most babies. It is not suitable when babies have a cow milk protein allergy, lactose intolerance or have parents who want to keep away from animal based foods. Some milks have now been further enhanced with added docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) Omega - 3 fatty acids and prebiotics and probiotics for added immunity and digestion. Research is ongoing for even further refinements.

Goat milk based infant formula - This commercially modified goat milk contains slightly less lactose than cow's milk with the protein similar to cow's milk but forms a softer non clustered curd. These facts can make goat milk formula easier to digest for some babies. It is more rapidly digested therefore can be helpful for a baby with reflux.

Soy based infant formula - This milk is commercially made from the soya beans which have similar protein content to cow's milk. It contains lactose. During processing the protein is isolated without its cofactors needed for digestion and metabolism and therefore is not a good choice for babies.

Lactose free infant formula (LF)- This milk is usually cow milk based and has no lactose. This formula may help babies who suffer from excessive wind, explosive poos and unsettled sleep patterns due to lower bowel pain.

Anti Reflux infant formula (AR)- This is usually a cow milk based formula that has been thickened using either carob bean gum or maltodextrin (enzymatically derived from any starch but usually corn or wheat). This thickened milk is for babies who have difficulty keeping milk down. Depending on the thickening agent used this milk may not be suitable for babies who are lactose or wheat intolerant.

Protein modified cow milk infant formula (HA)- In this milk the cow milk protein has been broken down to make it easier for babies to digest and is an alternative milk for babies who have a primary risk of dairy allergy. Do not use if a baby has already been exposed to dairy through breast milk or another formula.

Protein free infant formula - An extensively hydrolysed 100% whey protein specialty formula for babies with a diagnosed dairy protein or soy allergy. Medical supervision is required for babies on this formula and in Australia is only available by script.

Casein dominant or whey dominant infant formula -Whey and casein are the proteins found in milk. Whey dominant formula is the most common on the market, is closest to breast milk and digested quicker than casein based. Very hungry babies are thought to do better on casein dominant formula.

After 12 months the gut of a baby is mature enough to progress onto cow's milk or an alternative such as rice milk, oat milk, soy milk, goat milk or toddler milk. These milks are not natural or organic but the choice of which one to use is yours. Babies require full fat milk until at least 2 years old.

Goat milk has a similar protein in a comparable quantity to cow's milk but forms a softer, non clustered curd and contains slightly less lactose, possibly making it easier to digest. It is more rapidly digested, therefore may be helpful for an infant with reflux or frequent positing. It is usually not tolerated by those who have a cow milk protein allergy.

Cow milk is a nutrient dense food when ingested in its raw organic form (breast milk or unpasteurised milk) but unfortunately vitamins and minerals are lost today with the pasteurisation and homogenisation process (heating it to make it better for us!) There is also a difference in milk produced from relaxed cows grazing in open fields of grasses and flowers to a mass produced commercially fed cow living in overcrowded cement floor stalls. Milk just is not the same milk as years past. Lactose free cow's milk is also available.

Soya milk is made from soya beans and has the equivalent amount of protein to cow's milk therefore it is not tolerated if allergic to cow milk protein. Research shows that processed soy can prevent the absorption of essential vitamins and minerals such as calcium, magnesium, iron and zinc. The commercial processing involved in isolating the protein in soya beans leaves out the natural digestive and metabolism cofactors, deeming soya milk often difficult to digest.

Rice milk is made from brown rice, has no lactose and is usually fortified with vitamins and minerals, and is higher in carbohydrate and lower in protein and calcium. A suitable milk alternative when cow, goat and soy milks need to be avoided.

Oat milk is made from whole oats making it higher in fibre than other milks. It is usually calcium fortified and naturally sweet.

Toddler milk is marketed for toddlers 12 months to 3 years. Yes, it contains added nutrients and iron but if a toddler's diet is adequate then this milk is unnecessary. It can be helpful for a poor eater as it increases iron into their diet which will improve their appetite as well as supplying a balanced amount of nutrients. Do not give more than the required milk intake as it is NOT a substitute to food.

Milk For Baby and Toddler

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Saturday, November 19, 2011

Portagen 1 lb Powder Case: 6

!±8± Portagen 1 lb Powder Case: 6

Rate : | Price : | Post Date : Nov 19, 2011 12:15:09
Usually ships in 1-2 business days

Portagen® is a milk-based powder with Medium-chain Triglycerides (MCT) for children and adults. Medium chain triglycerides can help assure that children and adults with fat malabsorption receive an adequate energy supply. MCTs are more easily and rapidly hydrolyzed and absorbed than long-chain fatty acids by persons with fat malabsorption. Corn oil provides a source of linoleic acid. *Portagen powder is not nutritionally complete. If used long term, supplementation of essential fatty acids and ultra-trace minerals should be considered. Packaging: 1 lb can.

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Friday, November 11, 2011

What Baby Formula is Best for a Baby With Colic?

!±8± What Baby Formula is Best for a Baby With Colic?

Many mothers choose to feed their babies formula because of hectic schedules and the difficulty with pumping milk. As a result, formula is a great option for many mothers. However, lots of moms regret the choice of feeding their babies formula when the baby develops colic. It will help mothers to realize that many babies, no matter whether breast fed or formula fed, will simply suffer from colic. So, if your baby is suffering from colic don't second guess yourself because most babies that develop colic simply develop it.

When you became pregnant you were probably really excited and started making plans. These plans may have included the choice to feed your baby formula and even if you did a lot of research to find the "right" formula you probably were unaware that each baby has different needs and that your baby might actually develop colic. Many mothers have heard of colic, yet don't realize what it really is until it happens to their baby. But, once it affects your baby you will become more concerned about the best formula for your baby that might help them feel better and suffer less.

There are some signs that will let you know if changing formula is a good idea. One of these is if your baby has stomach and gas pains after a feeding. If this is the case and you and your doctor believe a new formula will help then changing is a good idea. However, keep in mind that colic frequently worsens before it gets better so when changing formula be prepared for a couple of rough days before being able to determine if the new formula is working better than the old one. Also, don't change formulas frequently if it is not necessary because this could make your baby worse.

If you have decided to change formulas then you might consider Carnation Good Start. The company markets this formula as having "comfort proteins" that are easier for the baby to break down and as a result have less gas pain. However, this brand really only works for babies that tolerate cow's proteins because the formula is made from this. Many babies do have a sensitivity or even allergy to cow's proteins, as well as others, that parents never realize until they switch formulas with different proteins and the baby gets worse.

In the case your baby does not react well to Carnation's Good Start then you might want to try a soy based formula. About 50% of baby's that are allergic to cow's proteins are also allergic to soy proteins, but 50% are not so it might just work for your baby. You certainly don't want to try a formula your baby is allergic to, but you also don't want them suffering because you are too scared to try a different formula. So, talk to your doctor to see if a soy protein formula is a good option for your baby and if so which brand might work best for baby.

In the instance that neither Carnation Good Start or soy formulas work for your baby then a hypoallergenic formula might be your last option. These formulas are great for babies with a sensitive digestive system, however they are certainly expensive, and because of this most parents only use them in the case that their baby cannot tolerate any other formula.

Colic is no fun for baby or the parents, however with a little patience and trying different formulas you will be successful and help your baby find comfort. So, talk to your doctor about what formula might be best for your baby to try when colic appears and then take it from there.

What Baby Formula is Best for a Baby With Colic?

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